Three Years …. Is It Possible?

Written and Presented by: Every project and program manager has felt the squeeze of a sliding start date while their in- service date remains fixed. It is not a comfortable feeling, and the pressure often causes anxiety, turf battles, and conflict amongst members of the project team. In the case of the Lubbock Power & …

Three Years …. Is It Possible? Read More »

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: Don’t SWPPP it Under the Rug!

Abstract Stormwater management is a component of energy infrastructure construction that can be easily swept under the rug. Other aspects of construction may be perceived as a higher priority for “successful” project execution – delivery on time and under budget. However, the proper design, implementation, inspection, and maintenance of a project’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan …

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: Don’t SWPPP it Under the Rug! Read More »

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